Black Moleskine notebook with grey/silver pen inside - Dublin Airport T1 on Tuesday 14th November.
Black, containing physics notes and french lessons, found at the luggage belt in Dublin Airport on 26th April at night
Size A6. (small c. 15 ×10 cm) White hardback cover with a child's drawing of a cup and a message.... valuable research notes .
I left a tube (1mtr X 50mm) of rolled up maps on the Green Luas line last Friday. I got out at Balally. The embarrassing part is that they didn't belong to me so would love to get them back.
Found an A5 notebook on the footpath on Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 on 2nd May 2018 at about 9.35pm. Full of details about Karate instruction and classes. A thinner notebook stuck into it and a pen attached to it.
Lost a black leather A4 sized folder containing legal documents on the 9am Greystones to Malahide dart on Tue 19/4/2016. I got off at Tara Street at 9:50am and left the folder behind. The folder contains a CV with my current contact number.
Black DC school bag on 55 bus to Limerick Sunday night .
I lost a canvas bag with letters DAA(dublin airport authority) written on it. The bag contained college law notes. It had a green folder, a book on contract law, photocopies in a yellow sleeve and other notes and notebooks. It also had a multi colour pencil case.
Small black note left in basket of dublin bike at pearse street bike station saturday night 12th April. should have name address and phone number - which might be an old one.
I lost my notebook that looks like an old VHS tape with a white sleeve on Sunday the 14th of July. I was travelling from Galway to Dublin Airport on Go Bus and have contacted all the various transport lost and found but to no avail. If you have found it please call on 07966372313 or email [email protected]. Thank you.
HI guys i left two A3 black hardback notebooks on 23.10 train service from Pearse to Maynooth today 2nd April 2013. One has an Amnesty International portfolio/scrapbook inside it and is VERY IMPORTANT. If anyone comes across it please contact me!!! Thanks
HI guys i left two A3 black hardback notebooks on 23.10 service from Pearse to Maynooth today 2nd April 2013. One has an Amnesty International portfolio/scrapbook inside it and is VERY IMPORTANT. If anyone comes across it please contact me!!! Thanks
I lost an A4 pad full of law and economics notes for college near the four courts on friday the 24th February. It's a UCD A4 pad with red binding at the top of it! really need it back if anyone has seen it. cheers!
Black Binder Folder filled with weekly teaching notes and schemes. Think might have left it on the LUAS at the Goldenbride stop on Friday 25th March at 4.30pm